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Four Elements Sign

Four Elements

Creating some of the most innovative and stylish snow wear since 1998.

Ooozing Swedish style and functionality.

Four Elements gear...

Hendryx Skis

Hendryx Skis

Hendryx Skis is a modern ski manufacturing company with the ability to develop new designs very fast. Today's skiers are so progressive that the traditional ski industri cannot keep up to their need of better equipment. There are two reasons why this company started:
» The first is: Several years ago I design a new concept for windsurfboards. I had in mind a board which both was fast and able to turn well. Well... I never build the board, but last year when I bought a new one I noticed that I had bought an exact copy of my ideas - I was 5 years ahead! This time I will not let my ideas slip away!
» The second reason is: The fabulous Alaska descents by Johan Olofssons, 1995. For you that are not familiar with the name, I can inform you that Johan is a snowboarder and he descended 1000 meters vertically in very exposed terrain in just 38 seconds with such a style. Amazing! Eventhough it is more then ten years ago, it is still an outragous performance. Today IŽll say he is more then ten years ahead of skiers because skiers still have big problems to perform a ride like that, even though freeride skis exceed 200 cm! Strange! As Johans' board was something like 165 cm!
...I'll see you around
Hendryx Skis » looking into the future »

Hendryx skis...

Cork 7